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Talking Makes a Difference

Talk About It, this year’s theme for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, engages everyone in conversations about healthy relationships and how to navigate what may be an unhealthy or abusive relationship. For those who have only been in or seen unhealthy relationships in their lives, talking about those behaviors is important because they may not […]

Why Are We Wearing Orange?

On Tuesday, February 8, we will be wearing and displaying the color orange in order to raise awareness about teen dating violence and promote the resources available to youth. Tell your colleagues, friends, and family why you are wearing orange and share information with them.

Why We Need Awareness

In the United States, the highest rates of rape and sexual assault are experienced by teens ages 12 to 19.  1 in every 3 teens in the US will be physically, sexually, or emotionally abused by someone they are in a relationship with. Nearly half (43%) of college women report experiencing violent or abusive dating […]

How We Deal With Mental Health in Digital Spaces

January is Stalking Awareness Month. In recognition of the danger presented by technology, The Retreat’s interns will be highlighting different online platforms. But first, what do we mean by “Intentional Tech?” 

3 Easy Ways to Post Safely on Social Media

January is Stalking Awareness Month. In recognition of the danger presented by technology, The Retreat’s interns will be highlighting different online platforms. But first, what do we mean by “Intentional Tech?” 

Intentional Tech

January is Stalking Awareness Month. In recognition of the danger presented by technology, The Retreat’s interns will be highlighting different online platforms. But first, what do we mean by “Intentional Tech?” 

Stalking Awareness Month

portunity to increase awareness of stalking, and to spur advocacy on behalf of those suffering with the emotional, financial and physical burden of being stalked.

Sharing Hope

The Retreat helped me in the darkest of times. I happened upon their doorstep very scared, anxiety-ridden, dazed, and without a clue of how to go about getting protection from my spouse. I felt as if I was all alone in the world and none of my family or friends would understand. I was embarrassed. […]

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