Individual or Support Group Counseling by The Retreat
Individual & Group Counseling
Supportive counseling at The Retreat assists clients in taking back control of their lives to move forward after abuse and trauma.
Healing after an abusive relationship takes time and specialized support. Counselors at The Retreat are specifically trained in domestic violence and sexual assault crisis intervention. Our counselors have a true understanding of what you have been through, and they know how to help you begin to heal. We can provide you with the added support of connecting you to additional critical resources to help you rebuild your life.
Free individual and family counseling is provided for adults and children.
Call our 24-hour hotline, 631-329-2200, for information on how The Retreat can help you.
Project SPARK (Supported Parents And Resilient Kids)
Project SPARK focuses on strengthening relationships within the family through individual and family-focused counseling services.
SPARK is a victim-centered, trauma-informed program that works with families affected by family violence. All services are free and available in English and Spanish. The Retreat offers in-person counseling services in all locations, as well as virtual services, if necessary. Extended hours to meet the needs of families are also available. For more information, please call 631-329-4398 ext. 302.