Digital Boundaries: Information and Conversations for Parents of Teens

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The Retreat, in partnership with student interns from Brown University, created a Digital Boundaries workshop for parents. The students helped us explore some of the challenges young people can experience navigating relationships online, sharing their own experiences and perspectives.

As part of this workshop, we developed both a Digital Boundaries Resource Guide and a sample Digital Boundaries Contract Template to help caregivers and their teens to navigate the use of digital media.

In April 2022, Helen Atkinson Barnes, Education Program Director and one of our TLC Executive Committee members presented the workshop to East Hampton High School parents. (Pictured here with Principal Sara Smith.)

The Resource Guide includes key takeaways for parents when discussing digital spaces with their children as well as conversation starters and links to resources available at The Retreat and national organizations.

The Digital Contract Template provides space for both the student and the caregiver to outline their own responsibilities in regard to digital devices as well as samples for both.

If you have questions about talking to your teen, please call The Retreat for more information.

Download the guide and template in English or Spanish.

Digital Boundaries Resource Guide

Guía de recursos de límites digitales

Digital Contract Template

Plantilla de contrato digital

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