Goods for Good



Job Summary

Year-round, our clients have ongoing need of some basics. Full-sized toiletries, underwear and socks for children and adults, sports bras, leggings, gloves and scarves are among the items in greatest demand. Host a Drive (in person or Zoom), gathering your friends and colleagues to secure donations of any/all  of these items or  others. Choose a theme around specific goods or create a grab bag of giving. We have volunteers to pick up the donations or you can drop off the items at our administrative offices in East Hampton.


  • Develop guest list and determine theme, if any 
  • Willingness to send invitations and host in-person event   
  • Technical capability to send a Zoom invitation and host Zoom gathering, if preferred
  • Follow up with attendees; ensure donations reach Retreat offices  
  • Provide attendees with Donation Inventory List for tax deduction 
  • Take photos; post on social media

Things to know before becoming a volunteer

When your volunteer application is received, the Volunteer Coordinator will contact you about attending an orientation session. All new volunteers must attend this orientation.


Volunteer Coordinator at or call 631-329-4398.

more ways to help

Share your time or talents with us. Help make a difference in their lives.

Support our operations so we can help people in need. Donate or buy preloved.

Donate to the Shelter to help us continue providing safe rooms for many in need.

Plan your outreach with us. Share your company's time and talents to uplift others.
