Standing Up to Domestic Violence

What’s immediately clear in Markie Hancock’s documentary about the origins of the Retreat, East Hampton’s domestic violence shelter, is that the three domestic violence survivors she features do not need anyone to speak on their behalf. What they need is to be heard.
Denim Day 2022

On Wednesday, April 27, millions across the world will wear jeans, and not just to make a fashion statement, but to make a social statement.
Myths & Misconceptions About Sexual Violence

The many myths and misconceptions surrounding sexual violence have significant impact on survivors and work against the prevention of sexual violence.
Sexual Assault Awareness in the Beer Industry

Stories of sexual harassment/assault within the brewing industry flooded Brienne’s Instagram account. With permission and their anonymity, she shared these stories on her account shedding light on how common this was for women in the brewing industry.
In 2/3 Of Mass Shootings, Gunman Has Domestic Violence History: Report
“Mass shooters are perpetrators of violence. Unfortunately, mass shooting events have many similarities to domestic violence incidents. They both function as a way for a person to gain control — sometimes in the form of vengeance or self-aggrandizement for those who feel entitled to power, but who in many instances feel aggrieved and imagine themselves to have been victimized.”
Adult Education is Key to Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
The Retreat’s Project SPARK Offers Free Online Training During Child Abuse Prevention Month 1 in 10 children will be sexually abused by their 18th birthday. It’s time for our community to become aware of the scope of the issue, take actionable steps towards both preventing and responding to abuse, and create safer environments for the […]
A Tradition of Good Works

by Leslie Feldman, Retreat Volunteer Having recently retired from a career in the hospitality business, I hoped I would finally have the time to be able to give back to my community and to help those who have been less fortunate than myself. Lucky enough to be raised in a household of privilege, my Mother […]
Offering Support to Children During a Custody Battle

Domestic violence is one of the main reasons couples get divorced. In the state of New York, the domestic violence rate against women is at 31.70%. Against men, the rates are at 29.00%. Though these rates are middling in comparison to the rest of the country, the fact domestic violence occurs at all is a cause […]
Talking Makes a Difference

Talk About It, this year’s theme for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, engages everyone in conversations about healthy relationships and how to navigate what may be an unhealthy or abusive relationship. For those who have only been in or seen unhealthy relationships in their lives, talking about those behaviors is important because they may not […]
Why Are We Wearing Orange?

On Tuesday, February 8, we will be wearing and displaying the color orange in order to raise awareness about teen dating violence and promote the resources available to youth. Tell your colleagues, friends, and family why you are wearing orange and share information with them.