Common Questions About DV
At The Retreat, we are big believers in the saying, “There is no such thing as a dumb question.”
When it comes to domestic abuse, a complex and personal topic, there is often a lot of confusion. But, the more we know, the better we can help those in need and ultimately break the cycle of family violence.
Read on to see some common questions and answers about this issue:
1. Why don’t they just leave?
There are many reasons why someone might stay in an abusive relationship:
Fear of their partner’s actions | Concern over their ability to live independently | Abuse was normal in their household and they don’t recognize that the behavior is abusive | Shame that they are in an abusive relationship, feeling like they did something wrong rather than their abuser | Lack of resources, they may be financially dependent on their abuser after not being allowed to work or have access to bank accounts | Guilt over taking children away from a parent.
2. Are all victims women and all perpetrators men?
No. One in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. [can’t find something that goes here because the page I was looking at was almost identical to the other!]
3. Does it count as abuse if it doesn’t include physical abuse?
Domestic abuse is not just physical. It can be emotional, sexual, technological, financial and spiritual.
4. Is abuse only common in romantic relationships?
No. Abuse can happen between relatives, such as parents and children or siblings, as well as in friendships and the workplace.
5. Does abuse discriminate?
No. Abuse can affect individuals of every age, gender, sexual orientation, income level, education level, race, ethnicity, and socio-economic background.
Sharing Hope
The Retreat helped me in the darkest of times. I happened upon their doorstep very scared, anxiety-ridden, dazed, and without a clue of how to go about getting protection from my spouse. I felt as if I was all alone in the world and none of my family or friends would understand. I was embarrassed. […]
Panel Discussion At Sag Harbor Cinema Shines Spotlight On Scourge Of Domestic Violence
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Panel Discussion on Domestic Violence Set for Sunday at Sag Harbor Cinema
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I Was The Woman Next Door
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What Would You Do? How to Intervene
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Brought Back to Life
The Retreat has brought me back to life. A life I thought was miles away. They helped me feel who I really am. I really never was able to have friends in my life due to my abuse in the past and present. The staff made me feel like I am worth being in this world. You really are the light in my life. Now I know where I’m going.
Macaroni Kid Hamptons .ORG of the Month- THE RETREAT
October is filled with school picture day, Columbus Day, Halloween, Fall sports, but October is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). It’s a sensitive subject that no one really likes to talk about or some are afraid to talk about but it’s real and it’s here. The Retreat celebrates DVAM with information, stories, videos, and more […]
The Importance of Awareness: Recent Headlines & Your Role
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