Macaroni Kid Hamptons .ORG of the Month- THE RETREAT

October is filled with school picture day, Columbus Day, Halloween, Fall sports, but October is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM).  It’s a sensitive subject that no one really likes to talk about or some are afraid to talk about but it’s real and it’s here.  The Retreat celebrates DVAM with information, stories, videos, and more […]

Drawn to The Retreat

Michele, Director of Counseling at The Retreat I had the pleasure of starting my work with the Retreat in 1998, my first year of graduate school.  I worked as a shift worker in the shelter for one year and had the amazing opportunity to work so closely with clients, supporting them with their day-to-day needs […]

There is A Future

I came into the shelter as a ragged 27-year-old, no money, no job, no education. I was a high school dropout, no place to call come with four shell-shocked children under the age of 10. Their first thought when we arrived was “Mommy, we can all have our own bed now!” Before that, they had […]

There is A Future

While I was a resident of The Retreat’s shelter, I received so much love and hope for me and my family. I came in a ragged 27-year-old, no money, no job, no education. I was a high school dropout, no place to call come with four shell-shocked children under the age of 10. Their first […]

Strength, Hope, and Courage

Upon seeing the bruises his father had inflicted upon me, my son shrugged and called them “battle scars.”  Those words terrified me; my beautiful, gentle child thought this was normal. If it were not for my son, I never would have embarked on the two-year journey of leaving my husband of 38 years. He was the reason I finally went to the doctor after being physically abused.

‘Sadly, Gabby Petito’s Story Is A Common One:’ Experts Speak

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and experts explain how to recognize signs of abuse. LONG ISLAND, NY — The image of Gabby Petito’s tear-streaked faced is etched into the hearts and minds of millions across the world, a new video unveiled last week capturing her trembling voice as she touches the scratch on her […]

The Importance of Awareness: Recent Headlines & Your Role

Purple Ribbon

Our hearts break over recent headlines, but the story of abuse is not a new one. Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) is an opportunity for each of us to learn more. Adding our voice toward ending the cycle of violence. The Retreat joins the community in our profound sadness at the death of Suffolk County’s […]

Strength, Hope, and Courage: A Survivor Story

Upon seeing the bruises his father had inflicted upon me, my son shrugged and called them “battle scars.”  Those words terrified me; my beautiful, gentle child thought this was normal. If it were not for my son, I never would have embarked on the two-year journey of leaving my husband of 38 years. He was the reason I finally went to the doctor after being physically abused.
