Why We Need Awareness

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  • In the United States, the highest rates of rape and sexual assault are experienced by teens ages 12 to 19. 

  • Nearly half (43%) of college women report experiencing violent or abusive dating behaviors.

These startling statistics are the reason we need Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM) and why The Retreat’s education programs are largely aimed at teens and young adults.

Talk About It, this year’s theme for TDVAM engages everyone in conversations about healthy relationships and how to navigate what may be an unhealthy or abusive relationship. Teen dating violence impacts not just the teens themselves but their friends, parents, teachers, and communities.

In February, The Retreat will be blogging and posting about teen dating violence. This includes first-hand experiences from those in our Teen Leadership Council, information on how to spot red flags, and what you can do to make a difference.






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