Too Much Togetherness

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Survivors of domestic violence may be experiencing increased isolation and danger caused by confinement during the pandemic. Survivors often have specific needs around safety, health and confidentiality. We also realize that people who are already more vulnerable to economic and health insecurity are facing additional challenges during this unprecedented time. The Retreat is ready to help.

Are you close with someone who you know or suspect may be hurting and feeling more stress while in close quarters? Can you reach them to be a resource for comfort and listening? Consider sending a message like this: “I know things feel scary and stressful right now. Could we talk on the phone sometime later today so we can support each other and check in?”

Call if You or Someone You Know Needs Help

24-Hour Hotline (631)329-2200

In this time of crisis, The Retreat is here for you. We want to be clear that the agency is not closed. To ensure clients are supported we have taken specific steps to maintain access for those in need:

  • The 24-hour Hotline is operational, with access to multiple languages. (631)329-2200 or Deaf Crisis Line at VP (321)800-3323
  • Our counselors are available for phone sessions.
  • Advocates will continue to educate clients on their rights.
  • Our emergency shelter remains operational, with safety protocols in place.
  • Many of our administrative functions are being done by employees working from home. If you call the main office (631)329-4398, please leave a message and someone will return your call shortly or email

Visit our website for an extensive list of resources:

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