There is A Future

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While I was a resident of The Retreat’s shelter, I received so much love and hope for me and my family.

I came in a ragged 27-year-old, no money, no job, no education. I was a high school dropout, no place to call come with four shell-shocked children under the age of 10. Their first thought when we arrived was “Mommy, we can all have our own bed now!”. Before that, they had been sharing and I slept on the floor.

There was counseling: for me, for my children, for me with my children. The advocates came to court with me and were, at times, my only support in the whole world. I cannot thank them enough.

With the assistance of The Retreat, I was placed in a temporary home where we learned to be a family again. I went back to school, worked hard, and earned my high school diploma. My kids excelled, growing into the fine adults they are today. I have continued my education and received additional degrees.

I want everyone to know that there is a future, there is a life, your dreams for tomorrow can become a reality. I know you sometimes feel why do you bother or it’s not worth it, but I for one know the difference The Retreat has made in my and my children’s lives.

Thank you.

The Retreat’s 24-hour multilingual hotline, 329-329-2200 is available to anyone who needs assistance. Please visit our Get Help page for information on all of our free and confidential services.

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