The Retreat has brought me back to life. A life I thought was miles away. They helped me feel who I really am. I really never was able to have friends in my life due to my abuse in the past and present. The staff made me feel like I am worth being in this world. You really are the light in my life. Now I know where I’m going.
The Retreat has been a blessing to me. The counselors and the legal advocates have been a tremendous help, I don’t know where I’d be without all of the kind support.
Thank you so much for The Retreat. I have been given the tools to lead a healthy life.

I would like to send you all my deepest thanks for all that has been done for me while I resided here. On many occasions, I had felt an overwhelming amount of compassion from each and every one of you in the office. I am not saying it was the best time of my life, but you definitely made it much easier. Please continue to do all you can to help all the other women and children in unfortunate situations. You are all really needed and I know I will appreciate you always.
To all my sisters, I’ve grown fond of each and every one of you and although we have our differences, we share one common bond together. Abuse whether verbal, physical, or psychological, we all have had much in our lives. The time spend here should be exactly that – a retreat from all your abuse. Reshape, renew, and always hold some ray of hope inside. Remember the tough times are finished, you are truly survivors and you have come a long way! Now begin your new journey, learn to laugh, be yourself! Be happy and truly free. You have that right!
The Retreat’s residential shelter provides emergency housing for up to 18 adults and children. While in the shelter, clients receive counseling, legal advocacy, educational programs, and case management. If you are in an unsafe situation, call our 24-hour hotline at 631-329-2200 to learn more about your options.