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- Case Management
Needs Assessment
& Case Management
We will assess your needs and find the resources available to you.
We will assess your needs and find the resources available to you.
Do you need
- Help filling out an application for food stamps?
- Assistance obtaining special education services for your child?
- Assistance in registering your child for school?
- Help writing your resume and learning interview skills?
- Assistance obtaining healthcare for yourself?
- Help finding a food pantry or soup kitchen in your area?
- A referral to an immigration agency?
- Help answering questions about public benefits you may qualify for?
Case managers provide assistance and referrals with
- Healthcare
- Housing Applications
- Public Assistance / DSS
- Legal Services
- Immigration Concerns
- Employment Assistance
- Financial Independence
- Navigating Education Systems
- Applying for Financial Aid
- Finding Childcare
- Nutritional Assistance / Food Pantries
- Transportation
First Steps
The Retreat’s Case Manager provides you with an intake assessment to determine needs and resources that may be available to you.
Case management sessions involve identifying goals that contribute to your success and physical/mental wellbeing,
Link and refer
Linking and referring you to resources and services.
Contact Us...
24-Hour Hotline
For questions, please call our 24-Hour Hotline at (631) 329-2200.
24-Chat Access
For a one-on-one chat session with a Retreat staff member, visit allagainstabuse.org/live-chat/
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Tagged Case Management