Bloomin’4 Good Bouquets at Stop & Shop
Treat those you love, and yourself, to a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
For each Bloomin’ 4 Good bouquet sold at the Southampton Stop & Shop during the month of January, The Retreat will receive a donation of $1. Each eligible bouquet is in a sleeve marked “Bloomin 4 Good” and sells for $10.99.
This in-store donation program works to provide 10+ meals with every floral bouquet sold.
What does The Retreat have to do with hunger?
There is a strong connection between domestic violence and food insecurity.
- Financial abuse – or the control of one’s ability to acquire, use and maintain money by an intimate partner – can lead to food insecurity.
- Survivors who escape abuse disproportionately rely on public assistance and low-wage jobs for survival and thus face a higher risk of food insecurity.
- Factors that give rise to food insecurity, such as poverty and financial stress, also serve as indicators for increased risk of violence.
Healing from traumatic domestic violence can, and will, only begin once survivors are able to attain a physically safe home where they can live without hunger, homelessness, or abuse.
The Retreat plays a critical role in helping the most marginalized families find and maintain safety and stability. We have always had clients who struggle to afford or access food while escaping abusive relationships. Help us to help them.